CEAM’s quality policy, compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standard, is a complex and articulated mechanism aimed at improving the efficiency of the processes present in the organization in order to meet market needs, assist customers before and after sales, strengthen and maintain a solid corporate image and spread the brand in more and more markets.
It is pursued in full compliance with the guidelines of the quality management system and in full compliance with the needs of the human resources present in the company, its correct implementation is supervised by the Management.
Continuous improvements are made and increasingly ambitious goals are set, all aimed at the full satisfaction of customers.
The company, after a careful analysis, has identified a series of factors that influence the performance of the various business processes in a decisive manner, has examined them individually and has produced a detailed risk analysis for each factor. Based on the probability that such risks may occur and their severity, it has drawn up a series of actions to be taken and has opened a preventive action for improvement.
The quality policy is issued and re-discussed annually at the management review.